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Welcome to Lakon Herbals

Offering Time Honored Formulas Since 1985

100% Organic, Therapeutic, Herbal, Aromatherapeutic Skin Care & Body Care Products

Custom Blends and Consultations

For a brief bio about the founder of Lakon Herbals, Jayne Ollin, or to inquire about custom blends, please visit the above link.

Did you know that over 65% of perscription drugs, worldwide,
contain ingredients derived from medicinal plants or organic compounds found in nature, and that over 35% of
drugs on the market are derived directly from,
or through chemical modeling of medicinal angio-sperms (the flowering plant kingdom)

TO PLACE AN ORDER: Please call 802-449-7200


lakon herbals gardens

nourishing skin care formulas from natures apothecary


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Contact/Order Information : 802-449-7200 or email: ollinlakon@gmail.com If you do not get an answer
or call back within 24 hours, please call again!

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